Version 1.3: Another Game Breaking Bug

In version 1.1, I fixed a game breaking bug cause by Tomoco's turrets targeting system.  Well, I forgot that a couple of Juniper skills also used that system. Those skills are Six Shooter and Frag Grenade.  Therefore both of the skill will cause similar game breaking  bug. This update is dedicated to fix that issue. While at it, I also do some minor balancing and changes to the game. 

The changes in this update are as follows:

  • Fix the bug where activating Juniper Six Shooter skill would crash the game after defeating the boss. 
  • Fix the bug where Juniper Frag Grenade skill would only deal a huge damage to the boss instead of spreading it to the other enemies in range after the boss appear.  
  • Change the endless mode map preview so it displays the right color. 
  • Increase the damage of Flying Sword from 10HP/item to 25HP/item.
  • Increase the enemy health growth rate in the endless mode. 
  • Decrease the enemy spawn rate in endless mode. 

That is all. Have a nice day!


AoTHseWin_v1.3 (Jam Mid-vote Update3) 139 MB
2 hours ago
AoTHseLinux_v1.3 (Jam Mid-vote Update3) 148 MB
2 hours ago

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