Version 1.1: Mid-Jam Emergency Update

Today I was informed that there is a game breaking bug after you defeat any boss with Tomaco.  Long story short, this bug involes Tomaco's Turrets so the other characters can beat the boss just fine. This emergency update is focused on fixing that bug. I also did some balancing while at it. 

The bug fix and changes are as follows: 

  1.  Fix the bug where the game crash after beating the boss with Tomaco.
  2. Increase the healing effect of Lifesteal from 3HP to 5HP (5HP to 8HP for Letus) for each Lifesteal acquired. 
  3. Increase the effect of Blood Pack and decrease the waiting time to activate it.
  4. Decrease the effect of Body Armor form 10% to 5% for each Body Armor acquired.
  5. Decrease the starting item drop rate from the enemies from 4% to 2%.
  6. Tomaco's turrets will no longer heal her with Lifesteal when damaging enemies.
  7. Increase the damage growth of the enemies. 
  8. Change the color of the floor and wall in Endless Mode map. 

That is all. Have a nice day!


AoTHseWin_v1.1 (Jam Mid-Vote Update1) 139 MB
Dec 02, 2024
AoTHseLinux_v1.1 (Jam Mid-Vote Update1) 147 MB
Dec 02, 2024

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